Ugledni portal Insider sastavio je popis od 10 najboljih i najromantičnijih otoka na kojima možete provesti svoj medeni mjesec iz snova i prepustiti se čarima uživanja.

10. Sveti Vincent i Grenadini

Warm sun on your skin, a soft breeze and a soothing waterfall pool. This is the life ✌ #PalmIslandSVG

A photo posted by Palm Island Resort, Grenadines (@palmislandsvg) on

9. Tioman, Malezija

Dem tioman island views #views #tioman #malaysia

A photo posted by Sean Doyle (@sean_doyle93) on

8. Santorini, Grčka

7. Praslin i La Digue, Sejšeli

6. Tasmania, Australija

Daybreak over the Western Arthur Range and Lake Oberon, superbly captured in this image by @dylangehlken_photography. Located deep within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, a trek to Lake Oberon is considered one of the most challenging multi-day wilderness walks in Tasmania. The 5 to 6-day circuit boasts some of the most breathtaking wilderness vistas in the South West National Park – Tasmania's largest national park – with an incredible mix of wild rivers, jagged mountain ranges, button grass plains and ancient rainforests. Any adventurer that has experienced this landscape will tell you that the careful planning and preparation, and the physical effort, is rewarded in spades. Thanks for tagging #discovertasmania, Dylan.

A photo posted by Discover Tasmania (@tasmania) on

5. Nevis, Karibi

Aerial views of Airlie Beach. #Australia : @cjf___

A photo posted by Royal Caribbean International (@royalcaribbean) on

4. Algonquin Provincial Park, Kanada

3. Huahine, Francuska Polinezija

#goodmorning #huahine

A photo posted by RK Luxury Travel (@rkluxurytravel) on

2. Quirimbas Arhipelag, Mozambik

Last day on #IboIsland was well-spent. #Mozambique #QuirimbasArchipelago #nofilter #landw

A photo posted by Willow Battista (@winkybe) on

1. Korzika

#Corsica #Corse #iledebeauté

A photo posted by Corsica (@corsica_natura) on